Welcome to the OK/RC Cloud Busters Model Airplane Club
Grove Oklahoma
The Cloud Busters are an AMA chartered club with around 20 members working towards the advancement, promotion and just plain fun of model aviation. We maintain a nice fly field with a petro-mat runway in Grove, OK. We sponsor several events through the year such as January 1st fly-in for luck, fun-flys, and sanctioned events. Flight instruction is available on request. Anyone interested in joining may attend our monthly meeting every second Thursday at the Club fly field weather permitting, Grove, OK, meeting at 6pm. Check the newsletter page to confirm the next meeting details or email us at
Longtime OKRC flyer Ed Dresser has passed
He will be missed!

Be nice to your lipos, hard landings can be disastrous!

Grove Ok Christmas Parade OKRC Club entry Dec. 2020
OKRC May 2018 Fun Fly
Pictures by Victoria Clark
Pictures by Victoria Clark

February 2021
Charles Martin, a founding member of the OKRC club has departed, while living near his family in Columbia, MO, he was always fun to fly with, always happy especially flying his P-38 Lightning. Charles will be missed!
Kyrie eleison!