Cloudbuster Gazette 

July 11, 2024

Welcome to the Cloudbuster Gazette, a usually monthly update on club meetings, events, news, and other fun stuff.

 Club meeting Thursday August 8, 2024, 6pm at the OKRC club fly field


OKRC July 11, 2024 meeting notes

The meeting was attended by 4 members, not enough to have an official meeting

Tentatively there will be a club fun fly September 14



“ I have not spoken to my wife in years, I didn't want to interrupt     her”

Rodney Dangerfield

“ I used to sell furniture for a living, the trouble was it was my       own”

Les Dawson

“ There's nothing wrong with you that an expensive operation can't prolong”

Gram Chapman Monty Python's Flying Circus

    fly safe and fly often
Official unofficial disclaimer:
 The previous statements are not the policy or opinions of the current and or past OK/RC Cloudbusters administration, or members,  any of the staff , management or members of the Academy of Model Aeronautics,

but they should be.



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